
PAS 2035

PAS 2035 is the British Standard for retrofitting dwellings. First published in 2019, the standard outlines how retrofit projects should be managed and delivered and it is at the heart of all The Retrofit Academy’s courses. 

Compliance with the PAS 2035 Standard is a requirement of all retrofit programmes deploying government funding. You can find a range of free resources here to help you get to grips with what’s involved.

Raising the Standards of Retrofit:
Why is PAS 2035 Needed?

PAS 2035 was published in May 2019 following the Each Home Counts Review, which uncovered systemic failures and poor standards in retrofit delivery.

These failures can result in expensive problems being left behind, often resulting in issues such as dampness, mould and condensation. When we make buildings more airtight without ventilating them properly, these problems are all too common.

Recognising the challenges ahead, the Each Home Counts review recommended an industry-wide code of practice which led to the development and publication of PAS 2035.

What Does PAS 2035 Cover?

PAS 2035 outlines the what, when and who of retrofit projects.

It introduces several specialist roles and what qualifications and experience those people must have to practise. Examples include the retrofit designers, coordinators, assessors and advisors that The Retrofit Academy trains.

It lays out a logical sequence for retrofit projects to follow, ensuring that a building and its occupants receive the retrofit measures most appropriate to them. PAS 2035 has the protection of the homeowner front and centre.

Explore Our PAS 2035 Resources

We are the driving force in retrofit skills and knowledge. This is reflected in our extensive library of resources covering both PAS documents. Our knowledge hub includes:

PAS 2035

A handy document that highlights the key principles of PAS 2035 and explains what it means for you

PAS 2035

Offers clarity for a complex subject and answers the most common questions we receive

PAS 2035
Process Map

A step-by-step guide that builds on our other key documents with practical advice

The Midlands
Retrofit Toolkit

Designed to assist with the engagement, management, contractual and technical challenges involved with meeting PAS 2035 requirements